Welcome to the Alberta Accreditation Committee

The Alberta Accreditation Committee, as delegated by the Minister, is responsible for reviewing and approving Continuing Education providers, Continuing Education courses, and the hours and means of calculating the Continuing Education hours, for each course or seminar that can be used towards the 15-hour requirement that licensed agents and adjusters must satisfy each licensing year.

The Alberta Insurance Council provides administrative services for the Committee. Course providers who want to have their courses and seminars reviewed by the Committee should visit the Accreditation Forms page to review course requirements/applications and e-mail accreditation the course accreditation request to have their material submitted to the Committee. The request should include a Course Request Form, sample CE Certificate, a detailed course outline and actual course material. Instructor qualifications are the responsibility of the course provider and instructor biographies do not need to be submitted. 

Course accreditation request documents are available under the Accreditation Forms section of the website.

Courses recently approved by the Committee may be viewed on the website under:

Continuing Education Course Search

Inquiries, course submissions, etc. can be sent to accreditation


The Alberta Accreditation Committee meets monthly to review submissions. All courses must be submitted and processing fees paid by 12:00 p.m. MST on the Thursday of the week preceding a scheduled meeting. 

Courses are reviewed in the order they are received. In the event of heavy volume or time constraints, submissions made very close to an agenda deadline may be deferred for review at the next scheduled meeting. To ensure that courses are reviewed at a scheduled meeting, submissions should be made and processing fees paid no less than two (2) weeks prior to the confirmed meeting date. The next confirmed meeting dates of the Alberta Accreditation Committee are:

  • Wednesday, February 26, 2025
  • Friday, March 28, 2025
  • Friday April 25, 2025

Member Directory

The President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance, responsible for the Insurance Act, has appointed the Continuing Education Accreditation Committee, provided for in section 29 of the Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation.


The fees applicable to single applications are $100.00 per course and for CE Providers the fee is $250.00 annually. The application fees are payable to the Alberta Insurance Council and must accompany any application for accreditation.

Submit a Course

Please fill in the form and attach completed PDF of the course to submit. If you receive an error message when submitting more than one course please refresh your browser and try submitting again.